Staying with us:
BORN 5 Sep 16
One beautiful little boy born who is WHITED golden brown spotted and rosetted.
He is a F6 cub from an F5 mother and an F6 father which makes him rare and special in AU.
He will have dark markings, golden colours, wild type, whited expression and soft coat.
Afrikatte Boy Gold- Keeper

Sire: Guru Speeding Down Under F6 (Italy)
Dam: Calcatta Xiao Xiao F5 (USA)
A foundation F6 Bengal cub with a wild type head with a very broad nose and whited
goggles framing his eyes and tiny ears. His coat is true golden, super short, soft and
highly glittered plush pelt with a whited underside expression which completes his
wild leopard look.